Student practice

Practice - the right step towards employment!

In order to be successful in business today, it is not enough to acquire only academic knowledge. The practical use of that knowledge in real business situations in what matters. That is, the experience.

Therefore, Modern Business School gives you the opportunity to start applying the acquired knowledge in practice, even during studies, in renown domestic and foreign companies. This will give you the competitive advantage and separate you from the other candidates on the job market.

The student internship program, that lasts from 1 to 3 months, enables students to learn how a company works, understand business methods, and acquire practical skills which are the heart of a company.

But, that’s not all. We have also enabled students to attend lectures of visiting assistant professors – successful business experts.

During studies at MBS, you will get the best information that are necessary for a successful career. In addition to that, Modern Business School cooperates with AIESEC, the largest world student organization, to give you the opportunity to complete professional practice abroad. That enables you to further develop your talents, broaden knowledge and make numerous professional contacts.

Professional practice for students is a good opportunity to prove yourself as an excellent asset to a company and get a job there. In this way, we indirectly help our students find employment.

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